
GTA San Andreas (english version)

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Download - Cleo scripts The number of items in this section: 589

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Save anywhere

The picture not found.
Downloaded: 513x
Size: 0.9 kB
Description: Save your position, whenever you want.

Usama on Chilliard

Downloaded: 512x
Size: 3 MB
(click to enlarge)

Real Eating

Creator/author: LikeBAX
Downloaded: 507x
Size: 19.3 kB
Description: After buying a snack from fastfood, CJ will start to eat it
(click to enlarge)

Health regeneration

Creator/author: Oksa8
Downloaded: 506x
Size: 6.7 kB
Description: This script adds a small amount of HP, if CJ was not hurt last 15 seconds
(click to enlarge)


Downloaded: 503x
Size: 95.1 kB
(click to enlarge)

Dragon mode

Downloaded: 502x
Size: 1.3 MB
(click to enlarge)

Real peds

Creator/author: Andre500
Downloaded: 500x
Size: 7.1 kB
Description: Peds will be rollerblading, smoking or talking on their phone
(click to enlarge)

Air Traffic Realism 1.1

Creator/author: Olmstead007
Downloaded: 500x
Size: 1.9 MB
Description: This Mod adds exhaust condensation trails to AI and player driven aircrafts
(click to enlarge)

Choose your respawn

Creator/author: ooscar713
Downloaded: 496x
Size: 6.9 kB
Description: Choose your position, where you appear after death
(click to enlarge)

Smoke house

Creator/author: Ady
Downloaded: 494x
Size: 6.7 kB
(click to enlarge)

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Car Crash - Miroslav Ševč


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